Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Sam's first letter

Hola Familia!!!!!! 
I miss you guys so much!!! You guys are making me jealous - I want to go boating so bad! The MTC is awesome! The first few days my teeth hurt and they were probably the longest days of my life, but I'm loving it now! And my teeth are fine! There are only about 70 of us here right now but we are supposed to get a bunch more tonight and 800 more missionaries within a few weeks. My companion is Elder Watson from Holladay. He's awesome and we are getting along great. And he has a twin sister! I've met a lot of twins. I think they are splitting up the twins on purpose. Elder Enright in my room is also going to Chile and he has a twin brother going to Argentina! I'm learning a ton of spanish! I feel like im cramming a thousand words a day in my head and my brain hurts. On the third day we had to give a thirty minute lesson to a fake investigator in spanish! It was really rough and i dont know if any of if made sense but we got through it! There is a kid in my district that is exactly like Elder Calhoon on the best two years. Its hillarious! The food is great! The first few days it wasn´t even all the way set up yet so we got warmed up hot dogs and some other gross Mexican food but every meal is delicous now! I think i've gainged a little weight too! We get an hour of free time every day and then were studying the rest of the time. Basketball is the greatest! I've been playing the last few days but my hamstring still hurts so I think im gonna have to lay off for a few weeks, which really stinks because there's not really anything else to do. We went to the temple today!!! It was awesome except that the whole thing was in spanish and I had no idea what was going on. The drivers here are crazy! I saw my life flash before my eyes when our bus driver went right into and intersection and three cars had to slam on their brakes. But it was super nice to get out of the MTC for a little bit. I think we get to go to the temple one more time.
How is Parker doing!!!? I haven't got an email from him. Tell him to write me! Let me know what else is going on!!! And you can send packages! Snacks would be the greatest! We have dinner at 6 and by the time I go to bed I'm starving! The weather here is perfect! It's always about 75 degrees and a little cloudy with no sun and a little bit of rain every night! I love it. Do you think you could return those shoes and get some more eccos? They're the most comfortable shoes ever. I only get your dear elders once a week. We get one hour so I'm running out of time! I hope this wasn't too short! I´ll try and do better next week! Well I love you guys and miss you more than ever!!!!!

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