It's been a month in Chile!
Familia!!! I can't believe it's already been a month! Time is flying by. My companion is hilarious. It's funny how my companions just get weirder and weirder after a few weeks. We worked really hard this week and I'm so tired! I fall asleep if I sit down for more than 3 minutes but I feel great when I'm moving around. This week went really good. We've been teaching a family of 4 since I've been here. Their mom is a recent convert and the father and two daughters aren't members. The Dad, Omar thinks he's being rushed into things so we've been focusing on his daughter who is 21. She's been to church three times and were hoping she wants to get baptized this month. This week at church was a little disappointing. On Saturday night we had five people committed to go to church and nobody came! Everyone is super lazy here. My spanish is still horrible and sometimes I feel like its even getting worse. But it is getting better. Yesterday I met a family that speaks english for the first time. It was awesome to actually be able to talk to someone. Thanks for the tips on the fleas! I kind of just gave up on trying to get rid of them. Everyone says you just get used to it but im definitely going to try that oil trick so I'll let you know how it goes. Sorry you only got one of my pictures, I sent you like 5 so I don't know what happened. I feel horrible about Grandma Bliss! Tell her I love her and miss her like crazy. Love you guys!

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